As winter’s grip on the Ice Belt starts to slip, the moment when we punch our last hole for the season draws ever nearer. Many of us will hold out as long as there’s safe ice to support our weight, but the outcome is inevitable.
When it comes time to call an end to your ice-fishing season, don’t overlook the need to provide proper care to your StrikeMaster auger before putting it in storage for the summer. Follow these few simple steps, and you’ll ensure your auger remains the fastest and most reliable on the ice.
The first steps for storing any Strikemaster auger, whether it’s an Electra Lazer, hand auger or power auger, are to spray the blades with oil and then attach the blade cover. A thin covering of oil will prevent rust from forming on the edge of the blade. The blade cover will protect the fine cutting edge from impact. Follow these two simple tips and your blade will be as sharp at the start of the next season as it was at the end of this one.
There are two different ways to “summerize” your Strikemaster – dry-tank storage or wet-tank storage.
Dry-Tank Storage
Run fresh fuel with added stabilizer through the engine. This will prevent build up of varnish from fuel residue.
Do note that running the engine dry may cause the carburetor components to dry out, warp, swell or crack. In addition the needle may stick open or shut.
Wet-Tank Storage
Make sure to fill your gas tank at least 1/4 full with fresh, stabilized fuel. Run the engine for five to 10 minutes to insure even distribution of stabilized fuel throughout the carburetor and fuel system. Once complete, shut off the motor and open the fuel cap slightly to reduce the chance of pressure or swollen tank.
For optimal storage, run your engine once a month for 5-10 minutes.
General Maintenance
Have you cleaned and re-oiled your air filter every three months or 25 operating hours? Have you checked your spark plugs every 100 operating hours? Now is a great time to do so.
You should store your Strikemaster power auger in an upright position, hanging from a wall bracket. A wall bracket can be purchased from the Strikemaster website. Be sure to store it in a cool, dry place.
If you own an Electra Lazer, be sure to charge the battery once a month over the course of the summer to maintain battery life.