Rapala Jigging Raps, Rippin’ Raps and Slab Raps will all draw fish from far under the ice and into the strike zone below your hole. Knowing which one to tie on when will help you catch more and bigger fish this winter. Continue reading
Rapala Jigging Raps, Rippin’ Raps and Slab Raps will all draw fish from far under the ice and into the strike zone below your hole. Knowing which one to tie on when will help you catch more and bigger fish this winter. Continue reading
Early ice is panfish time. To get the most bites, pair your best panfish baits with the right Sufix line. Too light a line can result in break-offs, but too heavy a line can alter action, causing fish to give your bait the brush off rather than a bite. Continue reading
To get on one of the best early-season panfish bites in recent memory, find green weeds with a MarCum Recon 5 underwater camera. Fish in the weeds will be eagerly feeding on insects, so drop ‘em a VMC Tungsten Tubby Jig dressed with a Trigger X panfish plastic. Continue reading
Hawthorne suggests using a Recon 5 camera system with this scouting system to find and catch early-season panfish. Continue reading
For jobs both big and small, the right tools make tasks much easier and enjoyable. Before hitting the ice this season, make room in your bucket or sled for the following ICE FORCE accessories. Continue reading
When replacing your auger’s fuel this winter, resist the temptation to add extra oil to the mix, like dad did back in the day. Continue reading
When the leaves finish turning from green to red this fall, that’s your green light to grab your red MarCum flasher pack from the garage and get ready for the ice-fishing season. Continue reading
Because ice-fishing reels are so small, it’s important to spool up fresh Sufix line before each new season. Small spools cause coils, and coils cost you bites. Continue reading
The ice is out and your auger’s indoors. But don’t leave it leaning in a corner of the garage and forget about it. Follow these maintenance tips to ensure your StrikeMaster® will be as fast and reliable next ice season as it was this winter. Continue reading
When it comes to your ice fishing tackle, water giveth and water taketh away. As much time as your baits spend submerged in the winter, once the ice goes out, your jigs and spoons shouldn’t come anywhere close to water. Continue reading